“You have a body, it works now,” said Ava’s mommy. “Use it!”

On Tuesday morning, Dr. Preema made it happen.

Introducing Ava Grace

Introducing Ava Grace

Here she is!  6 pounds 11 ounces, 21 inches long.  A far cry from the 8+ pounds Dr. Preema predicted, but a very healthy size for a newborn.

Sleeping angel.

Sleeping angel.

She is so very precious.  Of course we have to think our children are precious; otherwise we’d wise up and eat them while they’re young and tender, before they get smart mouths and body odor, before they even think about repeatedly making poor decisions from which we must repeatedly bail them out, only letting a select few rise to adulthood for the sole purpose of perpetuating the species.

Not that I ever thought about it.

Jess and Ava

Jess and Ava

Still, my first grandchild is a terribly wondrous, beautiful little human.  I think we’ll forgo the barbecue and let this tiny girl perpetuate.

Jess is doing great.  She’s glad she had a cesarean; the epidural was the worst part, and if you’ve ever experienced or witnessed childbirth you know that in a regular delivery the epidural is the BEST part!  She is still restricted for a couple weeks but she is up and about, trying to deal with hormones that flip-flop like a slinky descending stairs.  Daddy has been doing a great job of taking care of them.  He’s clueless, of course, and so is Jess for that matter, but they are doing well so I bite my tongue.  Ava is in good hands.

Ava and Oma

Ava and Oma

I have been an Oma for four whole days, and so far I love it!  I knew stuff I didn’t even know I knew, ya know?  Like how to calm our little Ava down even when she’s in the throes of a hot red anger.  Or how to keep her awake to eat.  Or how to keep my Jessie from becoming a panicked mama wolf pacing the room whenever her baby cries out of reach. And how to do these things in the middle of the night with no sleep.

The new family

The new family

The new family went home last night, to Daddy’s house since this house is a madhouse and, with this horrid weather, a hot house.  I thought it best, since he has been doing such a good job, that she spend the weekend there in the A/C. I’ll take care of them Monday when Daddy goes to work.

And so will Uncle Andrew.

And so will Uncle Andrew.

And Great-Aunt Shelly

And Great-Aunt Shelly

And Papa Joe

And Papa Joe

And Grandpa will visit.

And Grandpa will visit.

And Great-Grammy

And Great-Grammy

And Godparents

And Godparents

And lots of other people I don’t have pictures of.  Jessie and Ava will be well cared for.

Being born is hard work!

Being born is hard work!


8 thoughts on ““You have a body, it works now,” said Ava’s mommy. “Use it!”

    • I’m so excited, Linda! I feel so experienced. With all my whining about how school makes me feel dumb and lost, it’s nice to do something familiar again.

  1. OOh, that HAIR! I just want to snuggle her 🙂
    Congrats, Oma…been thinking about you (and Jess, of course!) all week, and hoping all was well…
    Welcome to the World, Baby Girl!
    Big Hugs, All round!

    • Oh Marie she is so snuggly. When I was the mommy of newborns I was too caught up in their very survival (so much worry, so little sleep) to appreciate what perfect handfuls of coziness they were. I spent Wednesday night holding Ava so Jess could sleep. I have never been so happy to run on so few fumes.

  2. Thanks for letting us know who all these new faces are and there importance in the lives of Jessie and Ava. The pictures show the love everyone has for new little Ava especially Uncle Andrew. I think it best that they stay at Daddy’s house to keep cool and begin to adjust as a family. But most of all I am proud of you, Janine and happy for you being an Oma. Tell me where that word came from, please ? Life will settle in and little Ava will grow up with lots of love from friends and family. Just hope all goes well for the new little family. She is such a little petite sweetie. Take care and know I have enjoyed the trip to motherhood and Omahood with you. Is school out for the summer soon for you and Andrew ?

    Blessings and love, Cheryl Date: Sat, 17 May 2014 21:26:46 +0000 To: earthangel123@live.com

    • Oma is Dutch. My grandmother and step-father are both Dutch, so everyone in my family is an Oma or an Opa.

      Isn’t that picture of Andrew and Ava wonderful? I swear little cartoon hearts flew out of his head when he met her.

      School is out for me, but not yet for Andrew. He has about three weeks left. I took the summer off but he has summer school. Blecch.

      I can’t wait to put Ava in one of your dresses! I can already picture it. ❤

  3. How absolutely wonderful, Janine! Ava Grace! What a gorgeous name for this precious little girl. She is really a work of art, and so sweet in your arms. What a beautiful family, and I do know how your world just got turned on its ear. When my first granddaughter was born my daughter gave me a photo in a frame that had the words, “Grandchildren heal the hole in your heart you never knew you had.” And that’s how I felt! How did I fall in love so completely and so immediately! You’re experiencing that now, and I’m so happy for you. I”m glad Jess is doing well and I hope she just let’s her body find itself again! Share as often as the sweet family will permit. 🙂 ox

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